Friday, May 2, 2008

He who doesn't stop for anybody...


Often, we complain that we don't have enough time. That 24 hours a day is not enough. I beg to differ. I think that it is just enough time for us and our tiny brain. Then why do people hope and wish that God should award us with more time? .........

The answer is time management!!

You watched tv for hours and hours, when you could have studied for at least one hour. You do this until two days before your exam. THEN you complain about how difficult the class is, how the teacher is incompetent, how you don't have any time to study, how much materials is left to cover, AND your lack of sleep!!! At the end of the day, the teacher who did his job is to be blamed!! Yeah..that sounds about right!!

You spent day after day hanging out with friends for hours and hours. You know that the deadline for that project is approaching. It's all good. You 'know' that you have time to complete it. Two days before the project is due, you are loading up on coffee and freaking out. You blame everyone from your boss to the sweeper. Of course, you have a heavy work load. Of course, you will be sleep deprived for a couple of days. Then's not your fault. It is others' fault. Yup.. that sounds about right!!

You work 8 hours a day. Of course you are tired. You don't expect your husband to understand because he is not on his feet the entire day. You want to spend time with your children. You can't... are too tired. Your husband and your children are getting on your nerves. Hmm..interesting. You sleep for 8 hours. You are at work for 8 hours. Your drive to work may be 2 hours back and forth. Your time to get ready/groom yourself/freshen yourself up may be 2 hours in total. Hmm..and here I was..under the impression that there are 24 hours a day. Oh wait, there's the weekend. But no...that's YOUR time to spend time on YOURSELF (shopping, grooming, roaming with friends). Yeah...spending an hour or two with your children and your husband is UNTHINKABLE. Of course, your husband and your children infact ARE expecting way too much from you. Yeah..that sounds about right!!

May be we should start having a different perspective on things and stop being selfish. Haha. Yeah right. Like that's going to's the inevitable!!


m said...

I am confused...i thought u are single....without a husband and kids.....Did i get something wrong?!

why this broken heart? u know the very basic way to get away with stress is fretting a lot about things and i guess it worls most of the time!

Absconding said...

:D Haha..I am single (and happy) and without a husbad or kids!!!

I'm not broken hearted!! I was merely making a point about how people complain that they have no the same time, they dont utilize their time wisely! :D

Oh..I'm not stressed as well! :D

N.V.Prashanth said...

Thts the point.. we do not have enuf time to watch TV as long as we want and then get to other chores.. :P If we are to manage time and pack in things to every minute of the 24 hr... I am sorry, we may not feel humane!!

BTW, is the typo in ur prev comment "HusBAD" instead of "HusBAND" intentional? :P

Absconding said...

If we manage our time wisely, I DO believe that we have more than enough time to watch tv, spend time with our friends, study, and finish up our projects...and spend time with family! It's a matter of realizing your priorities and controlling your actions accordingly!! Every day, you should give yourself time to relax apart from the above!!!

At the end of the day, we have to realize that we are living on a tight schedule. It can be stressful. It can be made less stressful by managing time wisely!!!

Heheh...yes, it was a TYPO!!! It's supposed to be 'husBAND'!! :D Do I come across as a person who hate the male species? I hope not..:D because I do love the men in my life! :D

By the way..watching too much tv can have serious repercussions! :D

The Maverick Blog said...

Any specific reasons y time is He and not She? :P

Absconding said...

Since we follow the solar cycle, I thought I'd give credit to Surya Bhagvan! :D

N.V.Prashanth said...

I give up. I cannot manage time. Probably managing time wisely might do wonders. But i am insane!

I wasn't generalizing the "hate" to whole of men species... they are wonderful you know and deserved to be loved.

And yeah, its been 3 months since I last saw a program in the TV

Absconding said...

@ prashanth

Join the club!! :D Managing time does do wonders...! :D It's ok..I think we are all allowed to slack off once in a while!!