Friday, November 28, 2008

The thought of getting back to academics after a LONG (really really LONG; seemed longer than it actually was) week is killing me.

The break started around 1pm on Monday and it will end tomorrow, unofficially - since I have to start studying for that oh-so-lovely Anatomy lab practical.

I forgot to take pictures of the sheep brain and cow eyes that I dissected. I would posted them here, otherwise. But to give you all a picture - sheep brain is VERY mushy (think of mushroom) and the inside of cow eyes is like a jello with juice oozing out (mm..jelllo). muahahaha *insert evil smiley*

You are welcome!!

With your recommendations, I should be in hell in NO time!


The Maverick Blog said...

Congrats on your 100th post Merin!! I am gettin there soon too!! :)

Absconding said...

:D Yay!! Can't wait, Sunil! :D