Friday, June 13, 2008

It's friday!! And it's the 13th!!

It's FRIDAY, the 13th!!!

Is this another day for you..or do you have any clairvoyance ideas associated with it?!?!

I think that it's just another day. But if you dare me to go outside ALONE at 12:55am, I might just fake a seizure! That doesn't go for this's for any night!!!!


N.V.Prashanth said...

Are you paranoid or some thing? Few glasses of Mojito will help you. Coz time doesn't matter then

Absconding said...

I'm not paranoid!!!! Actually.. I haven't been out late at night in a long I wouldn't know how I would react! But yeah..I think I have a good idea!!

Alcohol surely does wonders! :D Next time I'm forced to go out at the wee hours of the night...I shall keep your advice in mind! :D

rantravereflect/ jane said...

heeee :)
i'm jus liek ya- the darkness creeps me out..
but yehhh, a mojito wud surely help,, in my case, it'd be a few glasses of wine with some kamakazi shots though ;)

Absconding said...

I always read the Bible when I'm scared. I was hoping that alcohol will be the last resort! :D

The Maverick Blog said...

I love darkness!! But not when I am alone.. Atleast someone with me to talk, that shud do!!!

Absconding said...

Hahahah! I think that everyone will love darkness with the presence of another HUMAN being. Depends on how 'brave' (or scared) the other human is! :D