Saturday, June 7, 2008

50th post - RANDOM!!

Why are women so paranoid? Why are women so overdramatic?

Why can't they handle an issue without saying 'yeah's me who's the're all perfect.. fine..ill just leave the picture so you can be happy...i can't ever be a better person..blah blah blah'!! HONESTLY..GET OVER IT!!! Start having a bit of respect for yourself and STAND UP FOR YOURSELF, DAMN IT! Why the hell do women portray this inferiority complex over and over...?????? Why the hell do women appear SO WEAK and SO FEEBLE and SO HELPLESS when they're encountered by someone?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!

Someone..please help me? Are they trying to make the other person guilty by doing so? Yeah may be they are. But why can't they see that it's just irritating the other person by doing so? OYE!!!

Am I unable to comprehend this phenomena because I happen to have quite a bit of an ego?!


You know what play-hard-too-get is? Yeah..don't ever try it!!! If you don't know what regret is, you'll learn once you do 'play' it!!

Coincidentally, this happens to be a TOTAL CRAP of a post just like Sunil 's [even though his post wasn't crap. Who knows what kind of trouble I'll be getting myself into.]


The Maverick Blog said...

You were diplomatic in not calling my post a crap :P.. And I don't have an answer to ur question coz I haven't thought abt it at all.. Leme think abt it for sometime.... mmmm...

Absconding said...

:D eeeeeeeeeeeeeheheh! Diplomatic eh.. me?? hahahaha!! That was funny.. that just made my day, Sunil! Thanks!!

:D Good luck with the whole thinking!! :D

Arun Sundar said...

Women can't be translated. Forget it.

Absconding said...

Women are too easy. You just have to know their ways. They tend to make things complicated for themselves..! They're really simple creatures!!

It's just that..their actions are absolutely ridiculous at times. They tend to take on everything on themselves...when they don't have to! grrrrr!!

Many a times, I have been convinced that some of them could definitely get an oscar for their performances!!

m said...

Why did u write such a blog post here? :)

Absconding said...

:D Just like that!! :D

Raz said...

//Do you know the reason behind most fights/arguments/encounters?
It is our stubborness - we refuse to forgive others, we refuse to let things go, we refuse to be mature.//
---> Not always

//Do you know why we find ourselves thinking about the person that we try so hard to forget?//
--> Coz the ppl whom we hate/try to forget are in our mind and whom we love are in our heart.

//Do I think that a female and male can be friends without either of them feeling anything MORE than friendship toward the other?//
--> Yes i too believe a male n a female can be just friends.

//Do you believe that there is a reason behind everything?//