Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Pregnant Man

Yes, you read the title correctly. If you reside in the great United States of America, you must be familiar with the news by now. If not, well here's the story in the most concised form:

"Meet Thomas Beatie. He was born biologically female, had sex reassignment surgery, and is now legally male. When his wife, Nancy, was unable to have children, Thomas, who still has female genitalia, decided he’d carry their baby himself. And thus became the world’s first pregnant man."

Some more about Thomas that I think that people should know:

Thomas used to be Tracy LaGondino (Ms. Teen Hawaii runner up). Tracy was bi-racial- she was (still is) half Asian. Her mother killed herself when Tracy was very young (before she even reached puberty, I believe). Tracy had always preferred 'rough-and-tumble' play; ie, preferring to play just like boys with boys. It wasn't until after she reached puberty that Tracy realized that she was attracted to girls. She started wearing 'men's' attires during college years. She preferred to be addressed as a male. After her college years, she decided to surgically remove her breasts. She started taking testosterones and started developing male physical characteristics. She did keep her female reproductory organs because she had always wanted to have a baby. Tracy became Thomas. That means that after years of therapy, cross dressing, etc. this person became LEGALLY a male. He was rejected by 9 doctors (OB-GYNs). The couples have been threatened by homosexuals, bisexuals, transgenders, transexuals, and heterosexuals equally.

Thomas and his wife decided to publish their story through 'People' magazine and Oprah. Mind you, I was not so convinced when I heard the story first. I had to make sure that people around me were sane, thus I decided to check the story out on the best webpage known to mankind: youtube. I decided to abandon all my chores and studies and sat down infront of the computer for what it seemed like HOURS watching Oprah on 'youtube'! Now, the videos were not that long. It's just that I was so tempted to see what people thought about the video that I went through thousands and thousands of comments. After reading the comments, I came to a decision: I must blog about this. Now a day when something interesting happens, the first thought that comes to my mind is 'this is going on my blog'! Oh. Have mercy!

I was rather surprised by the reaction of most of the people who watched the video. Some were furious. Some were angry. Some were in great deal of discomfort. Some were 'sick'. And of course most were 'upset'! I didn't find one comment that actually supported the couples. I have to say, I am quite disappointed by this. People were bashing Thomas by commenting that he's not a 'male'! Since he has female genetalia, he is a female - according to them.

Who or what is a male? Is that something that we are born as or is that something that we identify ourselves as or is that something that society TELLS us we are? Or does it come down to who we are attracted to? May be how we present ourselves in society?

I think that people should respect Thomas' decision..even if they are not willing to support him. He decides to have a baby. Why shouldn't he? It's his right!! How would you feel if a bunch of people knock on your door one fine day and try to control your life? You are entitled to live your life the way you want to live it. Thomas and his wife is not asking anybody for money. They are not asking you to aid them in any manner. They are not asking you to follow their path. They are partners (moreover, two human beings) trying to live their life and have a family. What say do YOU or I have in their life? The way that I look at it, they are trying to HAVE A FAMILY.

Who in the world gave you or I the right to judge others? This person is doing a noble deal. If people want SOMETHING to be upset over, I say that you start being upset over the SMOKERS around you. I'm sure that you'll be presented with accolades, if you can strip one person away from smoking. Want something else to be upset over? How about the millions of car crashes in your country caused by UNDERAGE DRINKING? Want something else to be furious at? How about the thousands and thousands of RAPES in your country? Heck, if you can't be furious at any of these, be furious at GEORGE W. BUSH. You have a reason to do that and I'm sure that your feelings/actions will be justified. If you can't relate to any of that, may be you should look into YOURSELF. All the wrongs that you have done. All the sins that you have committed. All the laws that you have ignored and disobeyed. When you are free of all the wrong doings and sins, start judging others.

I don't understand why people are so upset over Thomas and his decision. Frankly, I don't see a SINGLE reason why they should be! DO YOU?

I don't expect anyone to agree with me. I don't expect anyone to support this man and his family. I don't think that they are expecting that from anyone either. Can't people just mind their own business and go their way?!?!?!?!?


Snazzed said...

i do agree with you saying that we are not the ones to control others.

but in general social aspects, one should think about the child.

the child would be raised in anycase at best described as a dysfunctional unit.

and will be the rediculed at school.
i dont know.

Would you be willing to such a child?

Absconding said...

The child would be raised in a DIFFERENT setting. Anything that deviates from the normal is called 'anomaly' yes, the child will be in an anomaly setting. At the same time, there are many children who have homosexual parents.

The child will have the love of both parents. Now, that is something that a lot of children who have HETEROSEXUAL parents can't say that they have.

People move on when they find something more interesting to talk about and ridicule at.

I don't understand what you mean by dyfunctional! How's their family dysfunctional?

The Maverick Blog said...

This is a very sensitive issue.. I am sure we do not have a control on anyone's life (not even our own!).. But there are certian things that are termed by the society as "Acceptable" and "Un Acceptable".

For example, gay marriages... Though it has been scientifically proved that it is natural to be a homosexual, people directly relate "Homosexuality" to a "Crime"... People consider this as a sexual "Abnormality" and term homosexuals as "Psychopaths".. Thats becoz of the wrong projection of it in media and movies...

Fortunately or unfortunately, most of the Humans are influenced by things happening around them... A serial killer or a psychopath is not born, he is made by the circumstances around him...

Since people directly relate psychopaths to these sexual (ab)normalities, they feel that it could influence people around them, which they feel could increase the crime rate...

Its high time people are educated about this...

Absconding said...

Serial killers and Psychopaths are in fact born like that. I learned that from the myriad of psychology classes that I've taken in a span of 4 years. You can definitely see abnormalities in the amygdala (the part of the brain that has a huge influence on emotions) of the psychopaths when compared to the 'normal' people!

People who kill their brothers and sisters (quite inhumanely) because of their religions, peopel who abandon female's gonna take a lot to educate these kind of people because of their animalistic mentality.

The Maverick Blog said...

\\Serial killers and Psychopaths are in fact born like that. \\

Thanks for the info.. I never knew this... thnks.

m said...

This incident should be seen as the rare example in which the sanctity of marriage is upheld...a man standing by the vows of marriage and stepping in to the share the burden and responsibilty of his wife....and it is highly a personal issue which no other moral policing people should interfere! And i do agree that i don't also see any threat to the child's future or growing up environment....there are examples of many child abuses from the so-called normal couples. so that should not be the issue.

And it is from the autopsy tissues people usually study the structural abberrations...there are studies ongoing which tries to figure out the effect of parental care and environmental interactions on the emotional control of anti-social behaviour showing persons(i don't to how exactly to call them!) and it seems like the brain is much more plastic and can make changes-so it's more use and modify serial killers and psychopaths can be controlled only if the society around them has such an refinement.

Absconding said...

@ ela

It all comes down to the ongoing debate of nature vs. nurture. I took a class called 'crime and criminal behavior'! In that class, we learned that even though these children were brought up in a 'well to do' household with loving parents and a 'good' environment, an alarming percentage of the children did grow up to be criminals. I am pretty sure that it was over 50%.

Brain is definitely plastic and my gosh, it is the most amazing thing EVER. I am not sure if conducting a brain surgery on a psychopath has ever been done..or if it is even ethical.

Phineas Gage developed a nasty personality due to his brain damage. I wonder if a person can be made 'good' by doing the same!!

m said...

"Phineas Gage developed a nasty personality due to his brain damage. I wonder if a person can be made 'good' by doing the same!!"

Unfortunatley, to do that we still do not understand the Brain completely....Neuroprosthesis is gaining momentum but ofcourse ethical concerns are always there! I , for myself, while listening to a proffessor's lecture thought I would never volunteer myself to their research!

Absconding said...

@ ela

Isn't it all about trial and error? I say we start with the criminals in jail! will be a difficult experiment to conduct. May be we can experiment on rats!!!

What kind of research was the professor conducting?

Raz said...

well.. i thot its sick. but ofcourse. he has the right to do whtever he wants! in that was good for him