Monday, April 7, 2008

Careful what you wish for..

Piece I

"Be careful what you wish for,
'Cause you just might get it all.
You just might get it all,
And then some you don't want.
Be careful what you wish for"

That is a song by Chris Daughtry.

Piece II

My away message on Google talk yesterday (4/5/2008): "I need an iced coffee, junk food, and a hug."

Piece III

I was studying in the student lounge. My first class is at 10am. I get to college around 9 am so I can review or just study. It was around 9.50am. This guy (who was sitting next to a computer) walks up to me and smiles. I smile back (why not? I'm a friendly person). The conversation that followed really supported the fact that I, in fact, AM a very nice and friendly person.

Dude: Hey, I am ____ ( I really don't remember his name)
Me: Hey, I am Merin
Dude: Oh nice to meet you
Me: too
Dude: Can I give you a hug?
Me: (laughing hysterically) EXCUSE ME?
Dude: Can I hug you?
Me: Oh...Emmm...(still laughing)..I'm sorry I'm uncomfortable with that.
Dude: Then..can I give you a kiss?
Me: EH? emm...sorry..I'm uncomfortable with that as well.
Dude: Come's just a hug. I've been noticing you and you are very attractive.
Me: (Laughing more hysterically) I am extremely flattered. But I'm sorry..I really am very uncomfortable with that
Dude: You know..I'm not going to bite you or anything.
Me: (Laughing)..regardless..I'm sorry...I can't..!! I can't tell you how flattered and touched I am but..sorry!! Thank you, though. You just made my day. Sorry again..
Dude: problem (walks off)

This is the highlight of my day. No, this is the highlight of my week. No..this, my friend, is the highlight of my entire month!! Haha..! It just can't get better than this!!

When he told me 'you are very attractive'..I was so tempted to ask, 'are you sure that you are looking at ME?'! Well..I let him have his say. I think people are losing it!!!


The Maverick Blog said...

ROFL.. I just couldn't imagine this happening here in India (more specifically in Chennai)... If this incident was about to happen in Chennai, the story would have been like this...

Dude: Hey I am -------
Babe: ***with a surprised look***
Hi ***Confused look***
Dude: May I know your name pls?
Babe: Who are you?
Dude: Can I hug you pls?
Babe: Aaaah.. ayyyooooo Ammaaa...
Kola Pannraann... **$%^#$^@#$
Public: (To Dude) Don't u have a
****The End****

Absconding said...

Hahahaha!! That was hilarious.

But you see..I'm quite a laid back person. If you don't start off with a pervertic look or statement and you go away after I make my's all good!

The whole thing was HILARIOUS, by the way. I'm sure that I turned beet-root red. The guy wasn't Indian.

Would it be so wrong of me if I think that he probably had some issues??

The Maverick Blog said...

You say u were in ur university... So I don't think he must be having some issues... It could have even been intentional...

But we never know.. Its always better to be cautious :D.. All the best, I am sure he will meet you again! :D :D

Absconding said...

The thing is that the university accomodates all kinds of people - that includes those who are mentally incapable, physically handicapped, etc. So you never know!! : D

I really don't know how I could be cautious, though..since I have to go to college! :D

HOpefully he won't approach me again. If he does, I'll just start going to school JUST ON TIME!

Raz said...

now... do u understand wht i was telling u abt " sightable" is almost equal to attractive which is equivalent to beautiful..

in tamil.. nalla figure.. ( ok, its not full tamil.. stil........ )


n i resemble u.. common.. dont u think u wil ve to mention this somewhere here..