Thursday, October 2, 2008

Glorious monday afternnon, wasted inside an Anatomy and Physiology lab.

10+ students were waiting outside the classroom since our TA (Teaching Assistant) was late to class AGAIN. It seems to be a habit of his to be tardy and every single time he happens to have an excuse. He holds the access code for the classroom. Wonder if his tardiness is quite intentional! Hmm!! Did I mention that he is Indian? No surprise, there! Clearly, he follows the Indian Stretchable Time. No offense, people! You people know what I'm talking about!!

I decided to switch on my MP3 player to drown the chattering. When I realized that the girls were talking about the content of a potential quiz, I decided to turn off my MP3 player and give them my undivided attention. If you think that that is a sign that I'm one of 'em studious kids, ohh..bless your heart! Anyway, after one girl clues us in about the quiz questions (which of course she heard from her friend who's taken the quiz already - Violation of Honor Code! Ugh!), I was about to turn my MP3 back on since I had no interest in petty gossip.

Lo and behold I heard the magic words 'FOX' and 'HOUSE'! For those of you who have no clue of what I'm hinting at, House is THE BEST show on TV today. It's mainly concentrated on this sarcastic, insensitive, arrogant, condescending yet BRILLIANT doctor who saves patients' lives in his own way. My vocabulary is not extensive enough to describe how amazing this show is. Oye!!! This is SO not my point! So anyway, as an ardent fan..I never miss the show nor do I ignore a talk about it..!

So..this is kind of how the talk went:

Blondie # 1: I can never miss House.
Blondie # 2: neither
B# 1: I am so glad that the vice presidential debate is not on Tuesday. If it were, I would totally be upset.
B # 2: Ugh..tell me about it. I say that they should not even air it! Frankly, I would rather watch my favorite shows rather than watching these debates.
B # 1: I know...!!

Ok!! Well...that's the gist of the conversation!!

I really don't have much interest in politics. Frankly, my knowledge is very limited in that area and I tend to be a bit confused when these so called experts start talking about energy issues and wars and financial situations and all. I'm quite apathetic about a myrias of issues as well. Nevertheless, I do pay attention to certain you will see below...

I really do believe that this is one of the worst situation America has faced in decades. The economy has been down the drain. People are freaking out about anything that has the word 'financial' attached to it. This being the election year, the choice of the American people is extremely crucial. The future of the country lies in the hands of the one who will be taking over it.

I am a prospective medical student. I am literally in the verge of tears because I cannot find a blessed bank to get loans. I can't find a way to finance my education, people. I am utterly lost. What choice do I have?

About the 700 billion bail out plan. What are the consequences of that? Who will have to pay for it, ultimately?

There will be absolutely NO SOCIAL SECURITY PLAN for us 40+ years from now. As we are working, we will be paying the bills of SOMEONE ELSE. Where is our future headed? Will our lives be secured?

Now. I don't have much interest in politics. But I darn sure do have an interest in my future. I would like to know the repercussions of the actions of MY GOVERNMENT.

You are sitting there telling your good ol' buddies that you have no INTEREST in the debate? The debate, where the candidates will address their plans and strategies in running our country and of the future of our country! You are telling me that you have no interest in this?


1 comment:

m said...

It's a mess but what i am wondering is that how much do both the condidates sincerely with their whole heart think about these issues? rather it is the pre written script by some expert that they mostly end up parroting in public....times like these needs leaders with vision and a strong will!