Saturday, August 9, 2008

Why do women have to complicate everything??

Why can't men stop playing mind-games?

Why in the world did Eve share the damn apple?


N.V.Prashanth said...

These days all your posts have been on how men play mind games....

Whazz up?

The Maverick Blog said...

@ Above


@ Merin

I had the same observation too! Wassup???

Absconding said...

@ Prashanth

I do...don't I?? I'm trying to figure out the men in my life and I'm having a very difficult time. I just realized that. All along, I just thought that men are quite simple.

And it's not just MY experience. My friends are also having the same problem. I need to ponder over this issue..."How to think like a man?"

Any ideas?

@ Sunil

You DID...didn't you, Sunil? DIDN'T YOU? I bet you did!!

Raz said...

we are more complicated coz we keep thinking a lot.

Men cant stop playing mind games coz they are not v honest. atleast mostly!

The last one i dont ve the answer.

N.V.Prashanth said...


You were absolutely right. Men are quite simple. Its just the harmless lies are being interpreted as mind games!

Harmless lies are part of men's conversation every single time... EVERY single time! Don't read too much in to it. Its harmless after all.

Women can't think like men and vice versa! Natural!!!

Absconding said...

Harmless lies? But why can't they be straightforward? WHY CAN'T THEY?'s almost as though their mission in life is to confuse the heck outta women!

One day I shall definitely think like men!

:D Thanks, prashanth! You're such a great help! :D

N.V.Prashanth said...

//:D Thanks, prashanth! You're such a great help! :D//

Am I reading something between the lines?? :P

Absconding said...

Hahahaha!!!! There goes the insinuation! You know I don't do that..! Well..may be you don't know! Well..I don't! :D

N.V.Prashanth said...

I take it back!

m said...

@Prashanth.....really ur second comment about harmless comment was really is really amazing how men can go on uttering such harmless statements!!!