Friday, August 29, 2008

The Road Not Taken

It's not only until AFTER you do something that you realize that you MIGHT have made a big mistake. Sadly, you can't go back in time and rectify those 'mistakes'. Then you are left to wonder how things would have turned out if you hadn't done what you had done.


One minute, everything was smooth. The next minute, you are uncertain about even the simplest of things.

"TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth."
- Robert Frost 'The Road Not Taken'

Frost, man...I couldn't have said it better!!

It is when you make life changing decisions that you start questioning every single damn emotions and feelings of yours. Why? Because you don't want to make the same mistake again.

God Help me!

My advice to myself: FOLLOW YOUR HEART

My heart is giving me wrong directions.


The Maverick Blog said...

Dont believe in ur heart... Dont believe in ur mind... Dont believe in anytihng.... Believe in everything.... Believe Believe Believe Believe Beiieve that nothing will happen and every thing could happen...

Hehhee. Merin...... Freeyavidu freeyavidu freeyavidu mamu... vaazhkaikku illa guaranteeee...Freeyavidu freeyavidu freeyavidu mamu..nam kanavukku illai waranteeee :D

The Maverick Blog said...

Sorry for that CRAP... I wanted to vent it out..

Absconding said...

I like that song, Sunil! Hahaha! Yeah..we'll get over it! :D

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey, you seem to be in a similar state as I was when I joined in my MBA institute. It is one of the premier b schools in India and despite having been able to make it, I was feeling down since I hated the pressure and being away from home.

I was feeling so lost and felt that I could ve pursued something else lighter and not this demanding. It took me a while to realise that what I've got is not something that everyone else can get and slowly started coming out of that depression.

I started feeling great and now it feels even better when people raise their eyebrows when I say I'm from a so and so college and in a job that I like so much.

I understand from your previous posts that you always wanted to be a doctor and when it is going to come true, you are feeling lost. What you are going through is just temporary and I'm sure you will finally come out of it successfully!

Absconding said...

@ t.v.

Thanks hon! Actually I was talking about ANOTHER decision that I made. But really..I can totally relate to what you said, though. I (at times) do have doubts, but I guess that is quite normal..especially when we embark on a journey that is life changing.

N.V.Prashanth said...

Oh Merin.. Merin... Merin... You are such a retrospect, aren't you?

Believe that everything happened the way it had to. If there is some thing you feel you need/can to do about it now, do it! Cos once you feel that way then there is some thing for sure that you can do.

Absconding said...

Hehe..ohh!! Yes, those regrest do kick in once in a while. I the long run, everything will (should/must) work out for the best, eh!! :D

And I'm not sure if I agree with you, by the way. What's happened is past and the damage is already done. You can't always UNDO everything. :D