Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I'm bored and this seemed entertaining.

How long have you been alive?
A very short amount of time- 22 years

What did your parents name you?

A name that they never call me by

Do you like your name?
What's there not to like? I've heard so many versions of it that I am in a dilemma as to which one my favorite is. There really are a few good ones.

What's your favorite song right now?
Suttum Vizhi from Ghajini. Love the beats.

Which color from the spectrum is your favorite?
You're looking at it.

Random Questions

Do you like your weight?
It's a nice number. I don't think that I should be associated with it.

Do you think that too much pressure has been put on weight in the media?
No. I don't think that anyone notices the skinny women in their size 0 jeans and size D chest. I don't think that anyone notices the overwhelming 'burn fat' exercises or the 'get fit' exercises or the 'lose 6 inches in a day' exercises. Please!

Do you know that tune to the Peanut Butter Jelly song?
Sadly, yes.

Have you ever...

sang on stage?
Yeah. Intimidating stuff.

danced in the rain?
Yes. Wished for someone else to dance with me as well. It'll happen one day.

been to the ocean?
Emm...yeah I believe so.

gone to a concert?
No. It is definitely in the 'To Do' list.

waited by the phone all day for a call that never came?
Unfortunately, yeah. I also would wake up every few hours in the middle of the night to check the phone. Yeah. I'm pathetic. At the end of the day, I just want to slap myself for being desperate. Ah...life!!

been kissed?
Not the way that I've wanted to be kissed. The answer is yes.

fallen in love with a friend of the opposite sex?
No. Never been in love. But definitely have been attracted.

...of the same sex?
When there are so many guys around? I pray that I never have to. At times, I do wonder though. But no..never about a friend!

cursed someone out?
I believe so.

gotten in a fight?
Oh yeah. Well, not fist fight.

fallen off your roof?
I've had a dream like that. But no. Never happened.

Your Opinion:

Love at first sight?
'Love' has such a vast and deep meaning that I can't comprehend the idea of FALLING IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. I don't believe in it.

Gay marriage?
Two people love each other. They want to spend their lives together. WHY NOT?

If it helps you to be a better person, be religious. If it brings out the devil in you, abandon it.

Sex before marriage?
If you feel that you must, go right ahead. Be ready to face the repercussions. Once you do it, you can't UNDO it.

The current president?
There have been worse. There have been better ones.

Don't have an opinion.

Dropping out?
Know what you are getting yourself into.

Guys that wear eyeliner?
It's the guy who's wearing it. If he's not forcing me to poke his eyes or feel his eye liner, why the heck should I even bother?


Exist. My friends are certainly angels.

Exist. Certain acts that I've witnessed could only be done by demons.

Applies to the life on earth.

Women's rights?
Men doesn't have any rights? It's called HUMAN RIGHTS. As a human, you should be able to exercise your rights - whether you are a man or a woman.
I'm not a feminist.

Gay rights?
They're humans.

African-American rights?
Why shouldn't they?

The afterlife?
It seems intriguing...since we're all going to heaven.

Isn't it terrible...

that children get beaten every day?
It is terrible. There will always be those folks who get pleasure from others' misery. There will always be those who commit inhumane acts. It is terrible..but it happens. You can't put an end to it...it hurts me to say it.

that people have to fight in order to have peace?
FIGHT is a relative term. It's subjective!!!

that the legal system doesn't actually care about you?
'For the people', right? It's about doing what's best for me...don't need to associate any EMOTIONS with it.

that people are so superficial?
Many people are superficial. I guarantee you that all of us are not like that. There is still some goodness left in this world.

Lastly...finish the sentence:

When I wake up,
I check my phone call log.

No matter what, I still believe
that everything will work out and be fine at the end.

If you want me to like you, do this:
be yourself. I like genuine people.

I wish
to cause a ripple/change in this world.

I like to
know what is going on in his mind.

Being in the rain makes me want to
get married as soon as possible so I can dance in the rain with him.

I am amazed by
my investigative skills

Sometimes I
wonder why I am so desperate.

I hope to always be with
integrity and patience.

I love
my randomness.


Raz said...

loved it! :) loved it! machi so much like me di... i wanna take up this n post.
can i?

Absconding said...

Sure!! No problem darling!! :D And thank you!! TAKE IT TAKE IT!!

The Maverick Blog said...

/***Once you do it, you can't UNDO it.***/

/*** I am amazed by my investigative skills***/

There are the best ones accordin to me :D